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Events Calendar

Séminaire de mesure sans marqueurs
From Wednesday 26 June 2024 -  08:00am
To Thursday 27 June 2024 - 05:00pm

The biomechanical analysis of movement applied to sport, ergonomics or health is based on experimental data. In the field of research, the reference tools for measuring movement are optoelectronic systems based on passive markers. Although they are the most accurate, the constraints on their use mean that they are not very accessible for studying activity in ecological conditions, on the sports field or in industrial or clinical environments.

The analysis of movement without markers would make it possible to overcome these difficulties. This field has been booming in recent years, thanks in particular to advances in data-based learning algorithms, and many open or proprietary solutions have been made available. However, their validation and limits of use have yet to be defined.

This seminar is therefore intended as an open forum for exchanging ideas and practices to better define the use of markerless motion capture and analysis.

More information about the event can be found at the following link.



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Universitat Politècnica de València •  Edificio 9C

Camino de Vera s/n  •  E-46022 Valencia  •  Spain

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