The European project, BodyPass, reaches its equator after a year an a half since it started
The European project Body Pass took place in Madrid on 3-4 of June, 2019 at ATOS, one of the partners of the project.
IBV visita Holanda, ejemplo europeo de cómo usar la tecnología para estimular la práctica deportiva
Un equipo de investigadores del Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV) participa del 11 al 13 de junio en un nuevo encuentro del proyecto europeo Inno4Sports, que en esta ocasión se celebra en Eindhoven (Holanda), organizado por Sport&Technology Cluster.
SUaaVE kick-off meeting
On 14 May took place the kick-off meeting of our H2020 European Project SUaaVE.
Inno4sports works on the road map for the future of innovation in sports
From the 25th to the 28th of March, European experts from the field of sport analyzed the keys for the future of sport.